Elevating Science, Stewardship, and Storytelling with Drone Technology
Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, with a branch in Nevada City, California, Foresight Drone Services is deeply rooted in the west, and we proudly work with partners across the region. We see the potential of technology as a transformative tool for conservation, science, and restoration. It enables us to gather better data, provide insights that were once out of reach, and weave more compelling narratives.
Our steadfast mission is to provide purpose-driven organizations with aerial imagery and analysis. We believe these are essential tools for all stewards and students of the land, and our commitment is to deliver high-quality data cost-effectively.
We are passionate about using drones for the greater good. Our goal is to positively influence our unique ecology and, in partnership with you, elevate the impact of science, stewardship, and story-telling.
About Nick
Nick Wagner, founder of Foresight Drones, is a commercial drone pilot and photographer specialized in capturing high-resolution images and videos of critical habitats, wildlife populations, and environmental changes. His aerial data empowers conservation organizations to make informed decisions, identify areas of concern, and track progress towards environmental goals.
Nick’s passion for conservation extends beyond his professional work. He actively engages in environmental advocacy and education, hoping to inspire others to appreciate and live in reciprocity with our planet.
Meet the Team
Fiona Carey
Fiona has a BA in biology and recently completed GIS & UAS certificates at Portland Community College. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, she developed a love of diverse landscapes and is passionate about protecting them. She is excited about using drones and remote sensing to contribute to conservation and science.
In her free time, she enjoys hiking and is an avid birdwatcher.
Elias Grant
Raised in Bowdoin, Maine, Elias spent his youth outdoors, engaging in activities like biking and hiking. His interest in conservation and coastal protection was sparked while working for Maine Coast Heritage Trust during his college summers. Elias, a Warren Wilson College graduate in Sustainable Forestry, later joined Americorps in northern California and worked with Bear Yuba Land Trust. As Placer Land Trust's land manager, he focuses on restoring natural processes and land conservation for future generations.
Elias started flying drones seven years ago as a hobby and quickly integrated his passion for photography and mapping into his stewardship work. At Foresight Drones, he leverages his conservation expertise to help landowners and organizations find optimal solutions.
Nick Wagner
Nick’s path to ForeSight started with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Engineer from Penn State University. Through a love of bird watching, Nick developed a fascination with ecology and the interconnectedness of all things propelling Nick out of big-tech and into purpose-driven work with ForeSight Drones in 2019. Nick's work encompasses local issues of sustainable forestry and habitat improvements for endangered salmon populations, as well as contributions further afield to ongoing AI-based research on marine debris and clean-up efforts at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Nick serves in his community on the organizing committee of PNAMP’s Remote Sensing Forum, is a Fellow with the Native Fish Society, and enjoys the mindfulness of picking up litter.
In his personal time, Nick enjoys exploring Oregon on a bike loaded with camping gear, swimming in nature, and getting totally lost watching birds wherever he goes.
Trust at the Forefront of Our Relationships
Our Values
• Ask customers questions, strive to learn their problems, and ways to improve
• Clearly communicate expectations
• Deliver innovative and impactful services and products
• Exceed expectations and be an invaluable partner
• Conduct business with uncompromising ethics and integrity
• Ensure a safe workplace
• Make and meet commitments
• Properly plan, fund, and staff projects
• Pay attention to details
• Set challenging goals
• Value impact over intention
• Constructively confront and solve problems
• Embrace a growth mindset in everything we do
• Don’t be encumbered by past successes
• Try often. Fail fast.
• Do not let temporary setbacks become permanent excuses
• Acheive the highest standards of excellence
• Do the right things right
• Continuously learn, develop, and improve
• Take pride in our work
• Use mistakes and problems as opportunities to get better, not reasons to quit
• Demonstrate determination, resiliency, reciprocity, and tenacity